"I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the church has done so often in human history." -Cardinal Francis George

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Classical Liberal Arts Academy

St. Thomas Aquinas Following a tip from Tim Troutman on his blog, I decided to enroll my school age children in this school. It is the Classical Liberal Arts Academy. It is only a year old, but looks great. After much searching for some great Catholic homeschool place, My wife and I hope this is it! Bridget and I are excited to try it out. It is rigorous, ubber classical and hey, I found out the creator of the program is a convert who used to write the Omnibus program for Veritas Press (We were using Veritas previously). Anyone into homeschooling (and you should be unless you have an amaaaaazing Catholic school near you) might want to check this place out. There are some great articles on the homepage to listen to or read. Pray for our homeschooling efforts that the arrows in our quiver would be sharp!


  1. Hi David,

    Thanks for signing up as a TiberRiver reviewer. It's funny you should post this because my wife started using CLAA midway through last year and is loving it.

  2. Great to hear. It looks like a great program, we like it so far (one week only). I think the CLAA is going to expolode in popularity. There is really not much I have seen that is quite like it.

  3. We are looking into CLAA. We currently use Laura Berquist's MODG but with baby #6 on the way, we are looking for alternatives. Can you give an update of your impression of CLAA? I'm assuming you are six months into using. Thank you!

  4. We (including the kids) like it alot. It is very streamlined. No books! The guy that started it (William Michael)is a very neat guy and knows what he is doing. I will ask my wife to comment further so stay tuned.

  5. This is the wife posting! We really like CLAA. Keep in mind we're only in Petty School so far. I guess the format for upper levels is a little different. Our oldest is 2nd grade so we needed to begin in Petty School. That's when they get all their groundwork for latin. She's zipping along quickly since a lot is review for her. I like how the lessons are totally selfexplanitory and very easy for the parent to follow along. The video lessons they have are wonderful!! I'm sweating a little thinking about Arithmatic and how the lessons are not in video lesson form. I don't know if they plan to do any. Good luck to you!

  6. UPDATE: We are not going to do the CLAA this coming year. But... we still love it! It just was not the right fit for our situation. The nice thing about homeschooling is that there are LOTS of options, and it is not that every choice is either "good" or "bad". Some are bad, dont get me wrong, but some are just different in a good way. For our family, at this stage, CLAA was a bit to intense. My wife, who is the primary teacher, wanted something more on the lines of Catholic Heritage (which is our main curicula for the 2011 year)for a variety of reasons. But the first thing she said was that she still loves CLAA. It just was not right for us right now.
